Teens Share Their Voices with the Community at Spring Art Show

Friends, family and neighbors came together to celebrate our Art & Impact students on Friday, May 12 at the Spring Art Show. Everyone who attended took time to browse and take in all of the art on display, socialize and enjoy the refreshments in a conducive and safe environment.

Visitors were encouraged to share their impressions of the art work and add a comment for the artist via post-it note. Others had the chance to talk to the teen artists directly about their work and what inspired them to create what they did. Although faculty was present and supportive, the teens were able to lead the space. Students each had 2-4 pieces of art on display, some that were worked on over the duration of program and others that were single day independent works.

Gallery of Student Work

The Old Town Portrait Project was also on display and drew interest from both the students and the visitors. If you would like to learn more about the project or submit your portrait to be painted, visit http://www.artonsedgwick.org/blog/old-town-portrait-project/.

Apply for Art & Impact Summer Session

Although our spring Art & Impact program has concluded, our summer session is currently accepting applications. If you know a teen artist who would like a summer job creating art for community impact and is a current high school student or now in 8th grade, starting high school in the fall, please encourage them to apply using the steps below.

  1. Go to the After School Matters web site.
  2. When selecting a program, search for Art & Impact.
  3. Email us when you apply, create@artonsedgwick.com.

Once your application is received, you will get an email from Art on Sedgwick with further instructions, including how to sign up for an interview.

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