DIY CUBE ART (with toddlers!)

Featuring- My niece

By Trinity

This Project shows you how to make fun and cool art with a cube figure. 

Disclaimer: You could make your own cube figure if you want, but to make it easier for younger little human beings you should just find a cubic object!

  • Cube Object
  • Tape
  • Markers or paint
  • Pencils
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors (Someone over the age of 12 controlling that)


Step 1: Get your construction paper and your cube object. Wrap your paper around the object. The older person there will cut off the extra pieces of paper.

Step 2: When you are done with that begin to wrap the figure, and then put tape over it to keep it down, so it would not lift, as much tape as possible.

Step 3: After you get it all wrapped up, you either use your paint or tape (Now looking back I think paint is a better option, could get very messy though) get your paint. Keep it dry, no water involved, get a paint brush and start to brush the paint (WITHOUT WATER) onto the cube figure/ construction paper.

Step 4: Let it sit and dry for about 10 minutes. Looks…Nice… she decided to take a picture also.

Step 5: After the drying is all done, Get some construction paper and start to cut out some shapes, after stick the shapes on 



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