Welcome to the Board, Jorge Lucero

We’re thrilled to welcome artist and educator Jorge Lucero to the Art on Sedgwick board. Jorge currently serves as Associate Professor of Art Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He served as the Chair of that program from 2016 to 2019.

Jorge has exhibited, performed, published, and presented on his work in galleries, schools, publications, conferences, museums, community organizations, performances, and artist residencies. Most notably Jorge was the artist-in-residence at the Amsterdam University of the Arts and at the University of North Texas—both—in 2018. He has been included in major exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, the National Museum of Mexican Art, the Chicago Cultural Center, and Framer Framed in the Netherlands. Exhibitions and projects that Jorge has participated in have been written about in ARTFORUM; Sculpture Magazine; New City; the Chicago Tribune; the Sun-Times; and the PBS Digital Studio, among others. His most recent exhibition through Tiger Strikes Asteroid at Ramp Gallery in Asheville, North Carolina received a very nice review from the Atlanta-based art magazine Burnaway

Currently, Jorge is the co-editor of the scholarly journal Visual Arts Research and previously served as the Instructional Resource Editor for the journal Art Education. He’s an assistant editor for the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy and serves on the review boards for both the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education and the Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education. His papers have appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals and academic books published by Routledge, Oxford University Press, the University of Chicago Press, SAGE, Sense Publishers, and Palgrave Macmillan. His writings have been translated into Spanish and Polish and he has lectured on (and through) his work at numerous universities across the country from Reed College to Teacher’s College. He’s done this abroad as well. 

Jorge received his Master degree and PhD from The Pennsylvania State University and his undergraduate degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Prior to moving into higher education Lucero happily taught art and art history at the Chicago Public School, Northside College Prep for seven years. 



His most recent project Conceptual Art & Teaching is a platform through which the intersections of contemporary art and education are examined—and generated from—for the sake of a more fully integrated teaching-as-art practice.  

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